Saturday, September 1, 2012

3 Ways To Be Filthy Rich

3 Ways To Be Filthy Rich

Should you create savings, be patient, lay up first and then indulge or should you dive into it all by maxing your credit cards? Remember we are driven by the relentless advertising all around us. We are told to 'live it up' or clamber aboard /go up to the life or lifestyles flaunted and made delicious in the ads. We are driven and rushed into concluding that life will be more exciting if only we can have 'all those things'. Here are some options you may want to think of before your money bag slips into deep comatose:

1. Be Curious: Curiosity helps you learn, look out for, be alert to, to trends, fads and niche markets on which you can launch a start up business to fill the public need and make money off of. Curiosity ergs you to stay awake to and look out for ways you can earn in a region, country or a niche market.

2. Take Risks: We hear a lot about reinventing in business, p olitics, science and technology. It's the mantra of our times. Reinvent or die. Move on or your service or product becomes irrelevant. Risk takers are self starters. More so than others they push themselves off their comfort zones and try new ideas. While others tank, risk takers keep experimenting. They throw away the user's manual and tread out onto new turf, play with new ideas, new ways to doing things.

3. Buy An Endowment Insurance Plan: While most people think of coming into a pile of money when they are 60 or 70, why not plan to be in funds when you are 30? Take out a 10 year endowment as soon as you start working, from your first pay check. Save dutifully. Save on it through thick and thin. See your plan through all the carnage that adversities can snare your life with and never let go of it. When you are 30 and have cashed your insurance funds you can launch your financial life or that start up, debt free, without the funding snares and burden that so often slays some dream.

However, as a back up plan or to be wise to the times we are going to live through in the coming years, use a little of your free time to learn the one thing that's spinning the world now: marketing including marketing online across borders to the world - through your own site. It costs practically nothing and who knows someday it could be the goose that lays the golden egg!

The writer is a college instructor and a trained marketer. Check out a self starter's opportunity or two or for more information at

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