Wednesday, August 1, 2012

5 Best Kept Secrets to Set Up a Successful Business

5 Best Kept Secrets to Set Up a Successful Business

change management process change management plan

In this article I show you the 5 best kept secrets to set up a successful business. Keep them in mind, absorb them and you will see the success will come after you!

Many roads lead to Rome. Let's make that clear at first. There is no book or person who can tell you: If you do it this way, you will always succeed. It's hard to tell, why some people do and why some people do not get success. When I started doing business, the success stayed away for a long time. I was desperate at times. Why am I not successful? I kept wondering. I work so hard, my product is good and I am not an uncomfortable person to do business with. Jealous I looked at the people who were successful and tried to find the reason. Why them and not me? This way of thinking, I continued for two years. Until I realized that this way of thinking will not bring me any step further. I started to look more at myself and stopped trying to search for the reason of success of others. I adjudged them their su ccess and focussed on myself. This brings me to the first secret to set up a successful business.

* Think and stay positive

Especially when you occur setbacks, put yourself over it and move on. Be positive about yourself, to others and adjudge everyone their success. Negative thoughts should immediately be removed. Focus on your own success and stay to it!

Well, that's easy. Think positive and now what?

This brings me two secret number 2.

* Enjoy doing business

Make sure that there is time for making fun. It makes no sense keep on swimming against the tide very hard. Turn around and see what it will bring you. Trust, that it is okay, to let go sometimes, think positive and see what happens. It will really surprise you. Do not feel guilty if you do have that extra cup of coffee while enjoying the sun. Enjoy the fact that you are an entrepreneur and you can determine your own time schedule.

Enjoying your work, is not so h ard to do, is it? What is next?

* Live healthy

As an entrepreneur you have to work hard for your success. That's okay, but you should be capable to do that. I sleep six to seven hours a night. I do not need more hours. The reason for this, is because I'm fit. I eat healthy, sport a lot and have relatively little stress. It is okay to sleep less hours when I am thinking of great new ideas while I am laying in my bed. Those lack of sleeping hours belong to my way of living. The next day I will be fully focused again and I am never sick.

it all seems so obvious isn't it? Well let's continue.

Maybe one of the most important secrets is the next one.

* Accept the success and amaze others

Gradually I got the success that I worked so hard for, but somehow I dared not to accept it. I thought it was strange that I had success and found it a little bit scary. People suddenly want something from you, will I not disappoint them? Do I real ly want this? Yes!! This is what you have strived for, otherwise you would not have never started it. Just accept it, enjoy it, take your responsibility and overwhelm other people in all their expectations. In fact, amaze them with your product or service. Always give that little extra, which they don't expect. Even though you may not get back. Especially in these times of crisis, this is the way to distinguish yourself from the rest. People are going to talk about you and this will lead to the desired snowball effect.

Ho, stop what is going on here? People take it easy! This could be a summary of your thoughts, which includes the last secret.

* Be true to yourself, respect where you came from and respect others who are still there

You get busier and busier. And you notice that more and more people want something from you. Now you need to keep in mind where you came from. In the beginning, you were disappointed too when people didn't answer your emai ls. You had to call people yourself, to persuade them to do business with you. Respect others who are now at that stage. So treat them like you wanted to be treated back in the days. Answer all emails, never be arrogant or set yourself above other people. Do not think you are better than anyone else. Make sure you still be the nice person to do business with. No matter, who the other person is. So, do not make the same mistake as many others do. They became cocky simultaneously with the success. It will work against you and even the cocky people will notice that once. Although they might be too proud to admit it.

With these 5 secrets in mind I am convinced that at least you will be on the right track to success and mostly stay on that track.

I wish you all the best!


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