Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Bringing In Technology Such As Document Scanning Will Not Cost Jobs

Bringing In Technology Such As Document Scanning Will Not Cost Jobs

change management process change management plan

As we all know technology has progressed exceptionally rapidly in the last 10 years or so, so much so that there are devices that can, essentially, do human jobs. Go into any corporate supermarket these days and along with the dwindling numbers of staff on checkouts, you'll see a wall of electronic devices on which you can scan your own goods, bag them, pay and go. This does reduce the number of staff required and does cause a lot of concern among workers in a retail marketplace.

However, no matter how good they get and how much that technology matures, there will always be a need for a human presence. Why? Because despite the increase in these machines, human contact will always be our first preference, it's just the way we're made, and on top of this if anything goes wrong with the machines they aren't able to fix themselves and will always need staff on hand to assist.

This belief system has increased over other areas in business, right through manufacturin g, right up to corporate office work. More employment figures here in the UK have revealed that unemployment figures are rising constantly and inconsistently and this leads to concerns for those of us in work who feel that at some point they might be replaced for cheaper options.

Many offices are taking out document management systems, backed up by document scanning services that can effectively make offices more productive. However there is also a rising conscience within business that, for the sake of our own economies, people need to work to earn to spend. The irony is that we're at a point where we're holding ourselves back from embracing modern technology almost to save ourselves and our businesses.

However what's important to keep in mind about document scanning and digital document management is that it doesn't cost people jobs, it just makes them work better within their jobs and brings out the very best worker that they can possibly be.

The main dr aw with using document scanning services is that once the files are digitised, they're much easier to access and work with and therefore staff become more efficient and produce more work. This leads to less outgoings and more revenue coming in because of the higher productivity.

Beyond this, digital document management and document scanning can actually improve staff morale. A more varied working day with more flexibility makes staff happier and therefore even more likely to produce better work.

Going digital with document management can also effectively reduce the amount of space used around the office by cabinets which hold the documents as the documents can be disposed of once they have been accurately digitised.

Hiring a document scanning service doesn't cost the earth either. It's one of the few services out there today that can really advance a company and improve the way it works without major expenditure and in tough times like we're experiencing ri ght now, that's a pretty sure fire bet for both the sake of the company as well as the employees themselves.

There are many more advantages to going digital so if you'd like to find out more please visit our document scanning information pages on our website to find out more.
