Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The 3 Hidden Truths About Rapid Results and Striking Success

The 3 Hidden Truths About Rapid Results and Striking Success

No pain, no gain. Hard work is good for the soul. These are prevailing messages taught in America. But does hard work alone bring you rapid results and striking success? Hard work is one element to achieving striking success, but there are frequently ignored truths, that when accompanied with hard work, will bring you rapid results.

Do you expect success? Or do you sometimes worry that if you expect your best possible outcome, and don't achieve it, you'll be disappointed? Your fear of letting yourself or others down may cause you to lower your expectations. The truth is, what you think about, you bring about. If you think of a mediocre outcome rather than what you really want to achieve, then no matter how hard you work, "less than desired" will be your outcome. Check in with yourself. How will your life change once you've achieved the success you desire? Can you line your thoughts up with expecting this outcome? There is tremendous skill to directing your thoughts to yield the results you desire. However, without deliberately expecting the best, your mere action alone is likely to disappoint you. The first hidden truth behind achieving rapid success is measured in your expectations. Expect the best.

The second hidden truth behind rapid results and striking success are affirmations. Affirmations are present tense statements or questions of positive intent. Carving out time to create written affirmations on a daily basis will align you with your desired results. Affirmations typically start with "I", and progress with "am" or "have." Affirmation are not wishes or dreams. Act as if you already have what you want, and write your affirmation. Additionally, studies have shown that when you state your affirmation as a question, such as, "How is it that I'm ranked number one in sales this month?" your brain is stimulated to generate the answers for you . As you go about your daily work, your affirmations will amplify your efforts and expedite your results.

It's well known in sports. Professional athletes are viewed by their fans visualizing their next move. The use of creative visualization is the third truth that will bring you striking success. Your heightened awareness is critical in utilizing visualization skills to your advantage. If you are not very aware, you may start visualizing worse-case scenarios. Go back to your expectations and affirmations. From that point, picture in your mind's eye the results you desire. Let go of imagining how you will achieve these results. See yourself having a celebration to acknowledge your achievement. Visualize your television interview about your best selling book. Imagine yourself making that big ticket purchase because of your striking success.

In order to engage the three hidden truths to rapid results and striking success, you must get clear on your objectives and be very aware of your expectations. Release your fears and expect the best. Write daily affirmations. These present tense statements are charged with positive energy that will boost your efforts. In addition to your best action steps, engage your right brain and see in your minds eye the results of your success. I'd be thrilled to hear from you as you implement this strategy and experience positive change.

Carla Hugo is a Certified Holistic Health and Lifestyle Coach, offering Key Coaching for Financial Professionals. She is a Coach U trained coach, EFT Practitioner, Certified ScreamFree Leader and a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. She is also a consultant with Isagenix, the world leader in Nutritional Cleansing and Replenishing.
Do you want more profitability per client? Do you want to blast through past years earnings plateaus and still provide outstanding service? Do you want to feel energetic, fit and fantastic? Visit my website and sign up for my complimentary newsletter. http://www.getcoached.com/. I look forward to making a difference in your life through my coaching programs, free tele-conferences, cleanse coaching and more. Sign up to stay in touch. email Carla at carla@getcoached.com.

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