Sunday, June 17, 2012

Leadership Coaching: Leading People To Accept Change

Leadership Coaching: Leading People To Accept Change

change management process change management plan

Today's businesses need to thrive in a highly competitive environment. The way to survive is to reshape to the needs of a rapidly changing world. An organization that resists change is headed towards a dead- end. If it can't provide the excellent service that the customers want, the competitors will. In the same way, a leadership and the organization need to reshape according to the needs of the customers. As Borg from Star Trek put it: "Resistance is futile."

4 Main Changes In The Organization

There are 4 main changes in the growth of an organization:

Formative period - the organization is getting started and there are no formal definitions of the founding vision yet. A lot of experimentation and innovation are still taking place.Rapid growth period - the organization tries to sustain its growth and solidify its gains by incorporating direction and coordination. The purpose of the organization and in the mainstream business is defined.Matu re period - the organization's stable growth curb keeps abreast with the pace of the economy. Changes are implemented to establish markets and maximize gains.Declining period - a tough period when the organization might downsize and reorganize. Survival means setting tough objectives but compassionate implementation. The concept that needs to be actualized is "out with the old, in with the new". The four periods of change need to start over again for the organization to achieve success.

Steps That Accompany Change

A good organization goes through these periods of change. Leadership in these periods has to focus on inculcating into its people the mindset of change acceptance from change avoidance. There are 5 steps that accompany change:

Denial - people do not anticipate any major changesAnger - hostility directed at others for what people go throughBargaining - solutions are worked at to keep everyone happyDepression - there is doubt, a questionin g of the worthiness of purpose and people need supportAcceptance - recognition and belief of the reality

The workers' first reaction to change is often resistance. The comfort of their routine gives them a feeling of security. Their fear of change might be triggered by their dislike of disruption, the uncertainty of learning and adapting and the fear of losing control.

Leading People Towards Change Acceptance

Leaders can guide workers to accept change by converting avoidance questions into acceptance statements and questions.

Avoidance Question - Acceptance Question"Why"? - "What new opportunities can I gain from this?"

"How will this impact my life?" - "What problems can be resolved by this?"

"That's not how we do it." - "How will the result look like?"

"When will this all be over so we can go back to work?" - "Is there something I can do to help?"

"Who is responsible for this?" - "Who can help us"?

Leading the cha nge starts with a dream. As Martin Luther King said "I have a dream". A leader has to provide passion and a strong sense of purpose for instigating change.

By the way, do you want to learn more about leadership in your company? If so, download your FREE eBook here: Guide to Elegant Courage Leadership

Jodi and Mike specialize in executive coaching with individuals and teams.
