Friday, June 29, 2012

Four Steps to Lead, Support and Implement Change

Four Steps to Lead, Support and Implement Change

change management process change management plan

We all make the best choices (decisions) available to us at the time given the possibilities and the capabilities that we perceive are available to us from our model of the world (perception of reality).

A decision is a conclusion or resolution reached after consideration - weighing up the options available to us. We can make more informed decisions by having more choices available for consideration. We can always get more data or input to help us decide. The important thing is that as a leader you need to make a choice. You need to make choices all the time.

The first step is to decide. Decide what culture you want and need for achieving the goals of your change initiative. Decide on the boundaries that need to be in place or changed. Decide on the values, principles and beliefs the organization needs to achieve the vision. Decide who you are as a leader and what you need to do, say and believe to become the leader you want to be.

There is such a thing as thinking too much. We can get caught up in the need to have more and more data and to analyze until we believe there is a 99% probability of success. And while I appreciate there maybe some instances where this is required, in most cases it is not.

It's been said that 20% of our activity delivers 80% of the results. If that is true then consider how you should spend your time and effort when making decisions because if you are clear on your values, principles and believes it makes it that much easier and means you can deliver better results faster.

A decision without action is useless. You have put in the hard work to make the choices that are needed, it is time now to take action, which is step two. Work out the actions you need to take to share and implement the values and principles of the organization to drive the culture and behaviour needed for success.

Reflection takes many forms e.g. introspective - examination of one's own mental or emotional pr ocesses, or, the one more often associated with business which is "Gap Analysis" i.e. Analysis of the gap and what is causing it, between the goal, measure or planned outcome of a measure and the actual result.

If we reflect on our actions and the success of these actions on a regular basis then we can be in a position to make adjustments along the way because we do not want to get to the end point only to have spent time and effort on ineffective or inefficient activities. That also means that we can continue to help employees with their priorities and keep the required focus and makes this step necessary to progress toward the achievement of your goals and vision.

The third step then is to reflect by undertaking a gap analysis on a regular basis e.g. weekly, monthly, quarterly etc. whichever allows enough time to act and review and adjust.

The person or element with the most flexibility in a system will have the most influence. This is the Law of requisit e variety from systems theory. Flexibility means having more options and behavioral choices available to you so that you can control the system. No matter what business or discipline you work in, the top people are those who have the most variety in their behavior. They have choices of behavior that their colleagues don't.

The fourth step is to evolve, specifically to change what is not working by understanding the feedback and determining new actions that will progress you toward your goals. When undergoing a change we can decide what we believe needs to be done and then take action. As pointed out in step three though, we must then reflect on the results. Having reflected and understood the gaps we now must be prepared to change what's not working!

Four simple but powerful steps - Decide. Act. Reflect. Evolve.

Therese Wales is Managing Director of Up to You providing Leadership Coaching and Organizational Change Management Services. For your free excerpt 'Know your Outcome' the first step to creating lasting change go to or Email for more information.
