Friday, June 15, 2012

VSM Will Get Your Production Late, Suck Up Your Cash and Create Disasters

VSM Will Get Your Production Late, Suck Up Your Cash and Create Disasters

change management process change management plan

We want to emphasize right now that this report is not against lean technique at all. In actuality it quite facilitates the lean methodology. Lean model has been weather-beaten or in other words it is impossible to avoid this model in the course of establishing modern manufacturing facilities. Also if you are capable of sorting out all production issues on paper through drawings then this study is not at all directed towards you. The modern production challenges in its various forms pose many targets than cannot be resolved on paper. Few of them are featured under for your reference.

When multiple processes utilize common elementsWhy product combinations drift repeatedlyWhen there is drastic fluctuation in the processing durationsWhen process flows don't matchWhen resources keep reversing during a process

Obviously this doesn't encapsulate all given scenarios. At the same time in ev ery situation the value stream cannot provide a viable observation of the process flow. Although there is another approach adopted regularly to dismantle and correctly define the complex course of any process. ProcessModel simulation software covers all that is required to unwrap the various aspects of how a process flows and gives a detailed understanding of their specific flows. You can actually see the progress of a process, understanding its drawbacks, deceleration and different types of scraps. One can fully control this simulated model amend it and see the difference in the performance of the process. ProcessModel is not an alternative but it evidently magnifies and amplifies the production possibility towards the optimum.

Sounds interesting? Click here to try ProcessModel for free and get a personal copy for assessment. Keep reading for further details and see how process simulation can actually add real value without hampering your existing cycle.

Common material for diversified processes:

This is a situation that most manufacturing, services and health care systems often face. Valuable resources are often obtained which are overlapped and used by different production lines and departments at the same time. An actual example could be the Boston Medical Center; here the Emergency, Inpatient and Outpatient collectively use the multi-million dollar CT scan facility. If you want to use VSM-Value Stream Mapping technique to assimilate system's activity, then which department would you most likely choose to develop an observation? Confusing as it may sound, observing one element without the reference of other is often misleading in its own. Due to this factor common resource utilization is often a challenge- to recover optimum capacity of the investment and the sole reason is the multi-dimensional form of each process line and its overlapping efficacy to the rest. Due to this juxtaposition the observations noted through VSM to solve complications are also often undependable and doesn't predict the actual process flow precisely.

Altering product configuration repeatedly:

When you view the service models closers particularly in the manufacturing of costly products-you will find that it is a common phenomenon to apply more than one category of product in a process simultaneously. You can also say that products of differing nature and timing, needs and processing in a production will correlate at specific times. Added to that the product configuration also very every coming day. Tracking the insides of the process is nearly out of question through VSM technique.

If we track the current process at one stage, once observed it will depict major difference at a later stage. A shift in the processing duration can create hick-ups at different stages. Usual VSM thus becomes invalid, as many parallel screen shots would be required to beam the system. Th e very next target emerges as to which screen shots would be pertinent for estimation.

Extensive variation in processing times:

Compared to manufacturing concerns, disparities in service and health care systems are even harder to measure, as the inputs are randomly remote. In a rather orthodox setting the fluctuations are regarded as the mean of all observations. Using the mean reading to seek finer insights are like using chainsaw to perform surgery-it's irrational to assume correct outcomes.

Extensively varying routing selection:

When one thinks of extensive variation in routing selections, it is hard to overlook manufacturing job shop. Majority of orders are bound to behave specifically in a standard setting. This extensive drift is almost identical to "no process" phenomenon. This assessment is very inaccurate. Every order gains a relevant process progression. It's immaterial to assume the entire picture on the basis of a general gathering. This discrepancy is not confined only to job shops. Health care facilities also experience similar gaps in the lab and emergency divisions. A number of service providing concerns experience this situation, for e.g. inbound call centers, insurance underwriting etc. Yet again you can see that VSM is not reliable to understand the bigger picture, as an isolated reference is not enough to depict the delicacies present in the finer areas of a system.


A lean technician will never conform to the notion of rework, as it will depict a faulty system since its very inception. In lean world scenario having to rework is about escalating cost, wasting time and energy or in short a complete disaster. It is like fundamentally challenging the lean process. More so the rework will further ingest time. In one of the similar settings with our clients, it ingested almost a year to optimize design that led to many loopholes, on ly then it was possible to induce changes into the products. During this completion the production unit needed to produce as well in a way whereby engineered amendments will collaborate in the system periodically. In majority of scenarios the glitches are managed over a period of time. The obstacles of reworking induce the load back to the existing processes. Deducing the trigger of this mandatory rework is specially demanding. In the case where the rework is minute VSM can then avoid the discrepancy and still be viable in context of the overall scenario. On the other hand if the advised rework is huge then the variation in the process stops VSM from correctly figure out the problem or determine the actual alterations done over the period of time.

In all the above readings you will find that lean methods cannot fully grasp the details of every discrepancy and thus spurs the scenario to uncontrollable limits. VSM may be figuratively definite in few settings but the actu al outcomes of altered processes are very hard to deduce particularly in the few situations mentioned above.

This is where ProcessModel adds value through simulations and software. It defines new paraphernalia to approach the loopholes in a system that cannot be rationally dealt with lean techniques.

Try ProcessModel software to get a fresh grasp of limitations in specific systems and processes. Click here and get your free copy for personal use (non expiry version). Feel the difference how you can actually manage change in a variety of processes.

To obtain your free evaluation copy of ProcessModel, one of the most powerful process improvement software in the market, visit ProcessModel evaluation request page.
