Saturday, May 26, 2012

Are You a Powerful Leader? - Don't Let People Walk All Over You!

Are You a Powerful Leader? - Don't Let People Walk All Over You!

change management process change management plan

Just last week, in one of my management and leadership class, a General Manager of a SME was lamenting to me how difficult it was to get his team to work independently as a group. How resistant these people were to change and to work from their own minds, some being in the company for more than 20 years, much longer than he had been (10 years). And "when people has been working too long in a company, they tend to be complacent about their work environment and after some time, have fixed mindsets that are almost impossible to unfix" - that's what he said.

And anyone who has been working for some time, will certainly agree with this General Manager; how true the way people condition their mind in search of 'comfort'. In most cases, whatever a person does is motivated either to move towards pleasure or to move away from pain; so unconsciously their minds continuously searches for a 'comfort zone' to settle in, every day and perhaps... even every moment.

But being a General Manager myself for 5 years in a MNC and later running and leading organization and businesses for more than 20 years, I have come to the realization that: 'we are indeed the causer of almost everything that happens to us; or we are the maker of our environment.' - James T Allen. To explain this simply: we can't be where we are if we did not choose to be. For instance, being married to this woman, have these children; or married to our job and have a team that does not..... listen, work independently or so, on.

Listen to what leaders of companies say as they lament about their people, conditions or circumstances in their office. When they are doing it, it's undeniable that they can't see that they are indeed the causer of the environment around them. And as such, has lost their powers, as leaders, to do something about it; because if you are not fully responsible for a person, a thing or even the condition, you have 'NO' power over it!

It's a pity to be a leader without power - no wonder, so many couldn't lead their companies well. But how do we lose powers as leaders? Here, I will share with you one BIG causal factor:


When a leader does not adhere to their commitment, they lose their powers BIG TIME! Some simple examples are: NOT turning up for a meeting or pay their suppliers/ contractors on-time or rewarding their staff after making a commitment to do so. Then, they rationalize for their misdeeds by saying: Ah! My assistant can handle without me or... the client also delay our payment, why should we pay on-time... or my staff will understand, they have been with me long enough... and so on.

Let me share with you how the words of billionaires like: Warren Buffet, Bill Gates or Donald Trump are so powerful. Many are tempted to say: of course, "their words carry power because they are billionaires!" A word from them, in public, can shake the market! Well, T Harv Eker, a guru of the millionaire mindset, says: 'Their words have power, not because they are billionaires. They are billionaires because they gave power to their words!' They say what they mean and mean what they say. And what they say.... they DO!


In my next newsletter, I will share with you the BIGGEST causal factor: 'how leaders become powerless and how to regain that power.' Or if you are very excited to learn more how to be an excellent leader or manager, not just to improve your working conditions but also to enhance your personal life, do visit:
