Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What Makes a Change Agent Successful?

What Makes a Change Agent Successful?

change management process change management plan

Change agents, like leaders, are not born. They are 'created' through training, coaching and experience. Sure, like leaders there are some things that will come more naturally to them then others.

So what are the top 7 skills and traits that make a great change agent?
1. Focused
2. Flexible
3. Decisive
4. Optimistic
5. Aware
6. Organized
7. Sense of Humour

Let's look at each of this in a little more detail:

1. Focused - It's important for a change agent to always be focused on the goals. It's easy to get distracted as the change moves forward and there can be a tendency to start increasing the scope of the change. One way to achieve this is to have a clear vision, goals and project plans. In addition to these, have clearly identified measures or performance indicators so that you can regularly review progress. Another way is to make sure that you continue to break things down to smaller tasks so that it minimizes overwhelm.

2. Flexible - You all know about Murphy's law - anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Flexibility means having more options and behavioral choices available to you so that you can control the system. Sure there will be some things throughout a change initiative that are 'not negotiable' but even then you can be flexible in your reactions to any obstacles or even to alternate ways to deliver.

3. Decisive - Everybody will have an opinion about the change ranging from what to do and how to do it. You need to be constantly taking in the big picture and the specifics. By all means get input from the team and the experts but then make a decision. Change is not the time for a consensus driven approach to decision-making.

4. Optimistic - As we all know, most change will meet resistance along the way. It's only natural until everyone understands what's in it for them and the compelling reasons to change for the business. If you aren't optimistic then who else will be? Being optimistic doesn't mean ignoring reality and looking through rose-coloured glasses. It means looking for the possibilities and connections and listening to the potential challenges or obstacles to find away to negate or manage them.

5. Aware - It's important you know what's going on throughout the change initiative i.e. within the project team, leadership and the broader organization because it can help you predict outcomes and reactions. Look for not only how something is useful or has an impact right now but how it might be useful in the future. Listening for what is unspoken as well as spoken and getting curious through great questions is a great way to increase your awareness.

6. Organized - This one is probably obvious but being poorly organized can really disrupt a team and the change project. There are a number of things you can do here - have clear roles and responsibilities; have a project schedule; have a clear process for recording, resolvin g and escalating issues; have specific times to work on change; make sure any meetings about it have an agenda with clear outcomes, owners and time. These are just a few things you can do to be organized.

7. Have a sense of humour - Change is 'testing' for everyone. Emotions run high, things go wrong, deadlines come up quickly. If you can't have some fun and make it enjoyable for those around you then you will be a ball of stress by the end.

So there you have it, my Top 7 skills and traits for a great change agent - Focused, flexible, decisive, optimistic, aware, organized AND a sense of humour!

Therese Wales is Managing Director of Up to You providing Leadership Coaching and Organizational Change Management Services.

Want to start making a change right now? Request a no obligation, FREE 45 minute strategy session valued at $300 or Email for more information.
