Friday, May 11, 2012

The Role of Good Communication Skills While Introducing Change

The Role of Good Communication Skills While Introducing Change

change management process change management plan

It is very rare to see a company introducing change and that process be welcomed by the employees of that company. There are many factors that contribute to the resistance to change, but a leader with good communication skills can ensure the cooperation of his team.

When change is proposed, it usually comes from above - the top management - and people see it as a major threat to their style of life, comfort and even livelihood. With a little diplomacy from the leader, a resistant team can change into a willing and positive force towards that change.

People need to understand why change is necessary - Many leaders feel they do not owe it to their employees to explain why the change is necessary; they might not. But a good leader understands that without the willing participation and understanding of your team you cannot count on your people's full commitment; and without commitment your overall strength is vastly diminished.

Need to know basis information flow - good communication skills in the workplace does not mean you tell your team members everything. They might not be able to cope with such overload of information. However, to have their goodwill and cooperation you need to give your employees more than just orders. Good leaders will conduct a series of participatory meetings where he would lead his people towards the realization that change is imperatives. Enough information should be shared so they employees realize the importance of change not only for the company, but for their own growth.

Allow for fine tuning on a bottom-up approach - the best participatory methods that would bring in the employees towards accepting change is to allow them to contribute. As a leader you should be able to give them the basic direction, methods and then invite them to perfect it. When the employees feel they have a say in the matter, they would not feel as threatened and ther efore try to cooperate rather than dismiss the idea of change. Good communication skills would ensure that your employees feel in charge of the situation; when actually you remain firm in your driving seat.

Encourage change with rewards - eliminate people's fears by allowing them additional training so they can adapt to their new roles better. Monetary gains, promotions, opportunities to gain more certifications are among the possible rewards that can be offered to encourage cooperation towards change.

Great leaders often use good communication skills in the workplace as their only and most powerful tool for motivation.

© 2012 Incedo Group, LLC

Linda Finkle, CEO of INCEDO GROUP, works with innovative leaders around the world who understand that business needs a new organizational growth style. These innovative leaders know that powerful cross-functional communication is the highest priority and the strongest strategy for building org anizational effectiveness. To find out more, visit:
