Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Creating Successful And Sustainable Changes

Creating Successful And Sustainable Changes

Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely.

- Anonymous

Big changes can be really scary. And achieving successful outcomes through change is not easy. My clients get the best results when they get very clear on their issues or challenges and can envision successful outcomes. This helps to end the fears that usually accompany important change. In order to eliminate or shift unproductive patterns of behavior or ways of working ineffectively, it helps to understand exactly what's not working, and to get crystal clear on what could be. And that's not always as obvious as it might seem. Sometimes the issues causing the biggest problems are the most difficult to see and define.

If you are looking to make personal leadership or business changes in 2012, I've included some ideas and tips to help increase your chance of success.

Can you clearly define the issue/challeng e or change you want to make? It's not always easy to clearly define the change you want, so you may want to take time to look at it from a number of different perspectives to ensure clarity. Try writing down all aspects of the situation, including how you would be different as a result of the change.

Can you visualize the positive results from making the change? If you were to wave a realistic magic wand, what would this change create for you in the next six months? Think about what it would do for you if it were just the way you visualized it. What would be the best parts about it? What else could be possible?

Have you addressed this change before? If you have, identify what stopped you from achieving success in the past. What were the challenges that held you back or prevented you from moving through the change to the results you wanted?

Expect some resistance. Anytime we move out of our comfort zone, it takes much more effort, thinking and energy, and it is tiring. We naturally move back to our default behavior, and unless we continue to challenge the "old stories", we can lose sight of the original goals. As change and transitions expert William Bridges reminds us, we must be willing to move through the discomfort of letting go of the old and familiar before we can create a new beginning.

Do you have a network of support? It's very important to have the support of others when we're making important changes. Whether it's business or personal change, it's helpful to have a few key relationships that can remind us why we're making these changes, and to let us know when we are slipping. We all have blind spots that can prevent us from creating the results we really need and want!

I wish you all the best if you are contemplating making some important changes in 2012. And if you find that you need more help in your change journey, please co nnect with me for a complimentary "2012 Goal Exploration" session to help you clarify your thoughts and give you some ideas on moving forward.

The things that sustain change are not bold strokes, but long marches.

- Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Terri Hughes is the owner/principal of Terri Hughes, LLC, a leadership development & executive coaching business.

Terri's recent clients include leaders and teams in manufacturing, technology, retail, health care, government, small business and higher education industries. She works with individuals and teams in a variety of situational change arenas including: leadership behavioral shifts, new role transitions, career changes, organizational and life changes.

Terri has a BS degree in communications from Ohio University and has completed post-graduate work in strategic thinking and leadership development through E-Cornell, Harvard, & BSU. She is a graduate of the Coaches Training Institute (CTI) and holds ma ster certifications in multiple change & transition processes.

Visit her website http://www.terrihughes.com/ for details, free resources and to schedule a complimentary consultation to discuss your needs.

change management - source: via web